The leading Joint Controller is FVC MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS CYPRUS LTD, with its registered office in Cyprus, Trident Centre, 115, Griva Digeni, P.C. 3101, Limassol, Cyprus.

Each Joint controller shall, prior to the processing of personal data, obtain consent from such persons for the processing of such personal data, if such consent is required, and shall provide such persons with the information referred to in Article 13 or Article 14 of the GDPR.

The competent Joint Controller for responding to requests from a personal data subject will be the Joint Controller who received such a request unless only the leading Joint Controller can comply with the request. In the event that a request is made to several Joint Controllers, they are obliged, each separately, to respond to the request, having first agreed on a common position. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Joint Controllers are obliged to cooperate in responding to requests from the personal data subject. To this end, the Joint Controller is obliged to inform the other Joint Controllers without delay of any request from the personal data subject and to provide all necessary information in this regard.

If a person requests the deletion of his/her personal data on the basis of Article 17 of GDPR, the Joint Controllers shall immediately decide jointly on the deletion and agree on the content of the response. The decision regarding the erasure of personal data and agreement on the content of the response must be made without undue delay.

The Joint Controller competent for all matters relating to the Incident, in particular the management of the Incident and the notification of the Personal Data breach to the supervisory authority in accordance with Article 33 of the GDPR and Article 56 of the GDPR and the notification of the Personal Data Subject in accordance with Article 34 of the GDPR, shall be the Joint Controller from whose act or omission the Personal Data breach arose, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

If the Joint Controller who identified the suspected Personal Data breach is not the Joint Controller from whose act or omission the Personal Data breach arose, the Joint Controller shall inform the other Joint Controllers of the Incident immediately, and at the latest within 24 hours of the identification of the suspected Personal Data breach.

If an Incident is the result of an act or omission of several Joint Controllers, the Joint Controller designated by them jointly shall be responsible for performance the obligations set out in point 5 above.

Due to fac, that some personal data are subject of cross-border processing between Joint Controllers, within the meaning of Article 56 of the GDPR:
Notification of the Personal Data breach shall be submitted to the Lead Supervisory Authority, within the meaning of GDPR, i.e. Commissioner for Personal Data Protection Cyprus (postal address: P.O.Box 23378, 1682 Nicosia, Cyprus), as well as to any supervisory authority of a country where a competent Joint Controller has its registered office (if applicable);
If the Personal Data breach occurred in several countries of EU Joint Controllers’ registered offices, notification of the Personal Data breach has to be submitted in each such country.

Notwithstanding points 5 to 7 above, the Joint Controllers shall be obliged to cooperate with each other in complying with the obligations set out in point 5. To this end, the Joint Controllers shall promptly inform each other of any suspected personal data breach, the steps taken in relation to the personal data breach, the content of the notification submitted to the supervisory authority in relation to the personal data breach, the notification of the personal data subject and provide each other with all necessary information in this regard.

Each Joint Controller shall, in the event that it receives a request for personal data from the competent authorities, promptly notify the other Joint Controllers of the receipt of such a request, unless such notification is not permissible in light of the request of the competent authorities or the provisions of law.

In order to ensure the security of personal data, the Joint Controllers shall apply appropriate technical and organisational measures as referred to in Article 32 of GDPR.

Each Joint Controller may entrust the processing of personal data to a processor, by means of a written agreement on entrusting the processing of personal data. In such a case, the Joint Controller is obliged to ensure that the processor fulfils its obligations related to the entrustment of personal data processing under GDPR and to inform the other Joint Controllers of its intention to conclude an agreement with the processor.

Any Joint Controller may object for legitimate reasons to the intention to entrust the processing of personal data to a specific processor. If an objection is raised, the Joint Controller is obliged to refrain from entrusting the processing of personal data to a processor until a common position is agreed. The Joint Controllers may also raise an objection against a previously approved processor. If the objection is well-founded, the Joint Controller who has entered into a personal data processing entrustment agreement with the processor is obliged to terminate the agreement with the processor. In any case, the objection should be raised in time to ensure the continuity of personal data processing and to agree to alternative solutions.

It is prohibited for the Joint Controller to entrust the processing of personal data to a processor established outside the European Economic Area without agreeing on such entrustment with the other Joint Controllers. Where the Joint Controller entrusts personal data to a processor established outside the European Economic Area, the Joint Controller shall apply the mechanisms in accordance with Articles 44 – 46 of GDPR.

The Joint Controllers shall be jointly and severally liable for damage caused to a personal data subject as a result of a breach of the GDPR under Article 82 of GDPR. In their mutual settlements, the Joint Controllers shall use the liability principle of fault. If no fault can be attributed to any of the Joint Controllers or the degree of fault of the Joint Controllers is similar, each of them shall be liable for the damage in equal shares.

Each Joint Controller shall be liable for the acts and omissions of the persons with whom it will process personal data, including the acts and omissions of processors, as for its own acts or omissions.

Each Joint Controller shall be liable for damages caused by its own actions for failure to comply with the obligations which these arrangements impose directly on the Joint Controller concerned.